About Word of Mouth Public Speaking

How It Works

Small class size

Small Class Size

Class size never exceeds 12 people. This ensures everyone speaks in every session.

Personalised feedback

Personalised Feedback

Every session, you will receive feedback on what you did great and what can be improved.

Interactive classes

Interactive Classes

No more lectures - everyone contributes and grows together. This means much faster learning.

About Me

Your bio image

Chandran N is a Masters student at TU Delft. He has been involved in public speaking for over 10 years now. He has participated in various elocution competitions, debates, MUNs and other oratory events and learnt what works and what doesnt. He decided to start these classes by observing massive defeciencies in the usual way public speaking is taught. This led him to come up with a tried and tested method to help people upskill fast. Two cohorts have already benefited greatly from his classes.

My Accomplishments

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  • Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet.

Who is it for?